Monday, January 11, 2010

Adventures on Ice!

We're back from our trip south, with plenty of things to share! It's hard to choose what to start with, so I'll just jump right in with our experience on Frans Josef glacier, shown in these photos!
I didn't know quite what to expect on a glacier hike, but I learned it would've taken a lot more than just words to do it justice. It's coined as the world's steepest and fastest flowing commercially guided glacier according to the guides who took us to the top. I haven't been on other glaciers to compare, but it did feel pretty steep if you ask me!

Here's a look as our group climbed toward the top.
They gave us the equipment we needed to climb to the top, including metal spikes for our boots, called crampons. It was more of a physical challenge than most of us expected, but the scenery was breathtaking. Here's what we saw when we looked down from the top of the glacier. At so many of our stops, I've heard multiple people say these views look like paintings and this was no exception.As we learned from a professor of environmental issues earlier in the week, glacier movement and melting ice plays a huge role in the history and future of these islands. As we trekked through this valley, several of us discussed how rocks are broken down to eventually forms soil, which we know plays a huge role in this country's agricultural success.

To answer questions from my parents...we are learning while we play!

G'day mate,

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